

Its only 10 minutes drive from Copacabana to the Peruvian border, so after a fond farewell to Bolivia, we walked accross the border into Peru.

Onto the bus for another couple of hours before arriving further along the lake side in Puno and a hail storm! We´d heard mixed reviews about Puno - ranging from ´it´s ok`to ít´s a complete s***hole¨´ - so we were ready for anything! Although not a pretty pretty town, the cathedral and the main square were lovely and the main pedestrianised street were great to walk down.

We also experienced out first tastes of Peru - kids selling finger puppets with the standard phrase of´maybe later´´ if you said no. Restauranteurs are also more vocal in Peru - literally harrassing you off the street to try and get your custom! Also, there were a lot fewer traditionally dressed women in Puno - gone were the colourful shawls and bowler hats of Bolivia that we had enjoyed watching. Bizarrely we also came accross guys using tricycles to get customers from A to B in Puno - very eco friendly, but we did hear that it was something to do with trike oweners not having to pay tax rather than eco warriors on the streets of Puno.

Overnight we had thought it stange that so many people had been up at 3 in the morning - but all was revealed on Good Friday morning when at 6.00am having breakfast - we spotted a huge line of people making their way up to a cross on one of the hills overlooking the town. Some of the people must have started very early as it was quite a hike..

Would also have to wait a bit longer to try our first Inka Kola!

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