Well, we made it out to Brazil on 8th January 2007 arriving in Rio at 10.00am. Were immediately identified as virgins (ahem) and several people tried to bundle us into taxis telling us that they were official tourist greeters and that it was not safe on the buses (12 people had been taken off a bus in the city and shot in retaliation for the arrest of 75 allegedly corrupt policemen). We did, however, decline their kind offer as we had been warned that it was common for people to be driven away to a quiet spot to be mugged!!!! Caught the bus into the centre instead with no hassle at all, in fact it was a very scenic way to get ones bearings ......So, first impressions of Brazil ? Well, Rio is incredibly beautifully set with the jungle coming right down to the citys edge. The views from Christo Redemptor and Sugar Loaf are truly awe inspiring and Emma and I spent several hours on sugar loaf with a bottle of wine watching the sun set ..... truly an unforgettable experience.Rioitself, however, is not without problems ..... the gap between rich and poor is vast and homelessness is a common sight. It seems that many scratch an existence out of eating other peoples left overs and collecting tin cans / cardboard which are then sold. Despite this people seem to still keep their dignity intact and even appear cheerful.Memories : the heat!, people on push bikes with surfboards strapped to the back, first experiences of rubber toilet seats, joggers in speedos in the city centre, night volleyball on Ipanema beach, Christ the Redeemer, Picnic on Sugar Loaf, Blood Pressure monitors on street corners using antiquated equipment, Favelas, homeless, drinking from coconuts on Copacabana, poodles in boots (!!!!) - Rio must be the poodle capital of the world, wandering into dodgy areas where everything imaginable that was of no possible use (smashed old TV´s, empty milk cartons, stool with two legs)was for sale by people with no shoes, supermarket with door guard in full body armour and pump action shotgun, police pill boxes and not forgetting baconzito crisps.Overall then a beatiful city with a definate ´edge´ to it.