

Splashed out on an overnight `leito´coach from Curitiba to Foz, with its fully reclining seats, blankets, pillows and snacks - very cosy!

Arrived to incredible heat and humidity and headed off to find somewhere to stay. Quick turnaround to take our first trip to see Iguacu falls, which are split beween Brazil and Argentina - so we planned a couple of final days in Brazil before heading over the border to see them from the Argentine side.

You can hear the falls before you actually see them - so you can realise the force of the water. Actually seeing the waterfalls is breathtaking - so much water falling over so many drops, with the rainbows appearing in the spray. Plus the butterflies - it was like a colourful butterfly confetti at times - beautiful. An added `tourist attraction` are the coatimundis (small raccoon type animals) who look so cute in order for the tourists to give them food! Find a picnic table and a coatimundi is sure to be nearby!

Stayed for a couple of nights in Foz - with the nights bringing to life all sorts of different people..For a small town - it certainly had its fair share of women on street corners and not forgetting the local transvestite!

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