

Wow ..... we had NEVER thought SE Asia would be so touristy .... Starbucks on every corner ..... oh so trendy 'travellers' who have seen everything and done everything and 'oh how different Bangkok was last year' .......

BUT ... get away from the tourist areas and Bangkok is lovely ...... it's been a week now and we are still not tired of the place. The river taxis are cheap and quick, the skytrain efficient, the malls indulgent (yes we do feel guilty) and everyone (mostly) speaks English !!!!!!

Our Christmas lights needed some soldering on the joints ..... we found a hole in the wall TV repair shop who did 3 solder points for us and would not accept payment .... how nice is that? Consequently we now have Christmas lights and a 6 inch Christmas tree to decorate our room.... yay!!!!

Best bit is that we were here for the Kings 80th Birthday Celebrations .,.. we have NEVER seen such great fireworks ... boy do they love their King. Whole week long of festivities .... Dragonboat races, concerts, fireworks etc etc ......

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