

Arrived after having taken the 6 hour river boat from Siem Reip. No room on the boat deck so had to sit/sprawl on the roof ..... given that the sun here is probably the feircest taht we have encountered it made for a very hot trip! Amazing journey though and we would recommend it to anyone. It was fascinating to pass the river communities living on floating islands or on raised stilts and it was wonderful to experience the friendliness of everyone we passed by ( we wonder how long this will last ) .......

Battembang itself is just another rather grubby city. Sure, there are a few architectural gems but we cold not actually say that we liked the atmosphere of the city. We were planning on taking a cooking class here but having eaten at the restaurant we decided that we did'nt want to learn to cook badly (worst food we have had in Asia which has mostly been excellent). So, instead of lingering we stayed only 2 nights before moving on by bus to Phnom Penh.....

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