After a flight from Udaipur to Delhi / overnight in Delhi / flight down to Vasco de Gama and a 40 minute taxi ride to Benaulim we arrived in what we thought to be paradise (comparatively speaking). Goa feels nothing like India and the people are one hell of a lot more friendly. Stayed the nigt in the Palm Grove resort before leaving to find accomodation on the beachfront. Found exactly what we wanted in Anthy's ........ spotlessly clean, right on the beach, really friendly staff and good food. Have felt like very bad tourists as all we have done is laze on the beach, drink G & T's / beer and eat fish for the last two weeks. Still, after 9 months of travelling it is exactly what we needed to recharge our batteries.
It has been interesting seeing the area comne alive in preparation for the 'season'. Ebveryday it seems that a new bar or restaurant opens but the place still remains quiet and peaceful. Even th ebeggars and hawkers are ultra polite ......... bliss!
Have taken the time to read copiously in between sleeping and swimming and eating and we are both energised and ready to hit SE Asia.
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